

Its time again to communicate through pictures. Like cavemen and Egyptians before me, I shall leave pictures on this proverbial wall.  They also were probably too tired for a fully fleshed out blog post. 

Here is whats been consuming me lately:

1. Self explanatory. Everyone is ok. Terrifying but .... well, everyone is ok. At the end of the day that's all that matters. 

Everyone, including the guy at the tow yard, who sees a lot of this kind of thing, said "Thank God you were in a Volvo"


2. The most wonderful time of the year..... because cookies.

Carrying on my mother-in-law's tradition of Traditional German Christmas cookies

3. Well, this isn't just lately, this is always.

I find your lack of fully fleshed out blog posts disturbing

4. This is still a musician's site, right? blah blah blah mommy track blah blah blah....

Trying my hand at the next music video. No guarantees its gonna be pretty, folks.